Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Pledge

I have made a pledge to myself and to others to get involved. HIV/AIDS is a huge issue and it is a very personal one to me.  I have chosen to start my involvement with the organization Africa Aid.
This is a wonderful organization that breaks  down the issues in Africa into 4 different programs: Health, Education, Water and Economic.  

What I like so much about this organization is that they are not just doing one thing.  They have expanded out to cover much of what is going on.  To me it was smart that they focus on a broad spectrum but in a very detailed manner.  Many of the issues within Africa are all linked together, so breaking them down is an easy way to tackle everything in Africa as a whole. 

One major thing that I have done in order to start my personal involvement.  Is to sign the pledge with Africa Aid.  The pledge states: 

We believe that a planet rich in resources and technology has a responsibility to all of those who inhabit it. 
We recognize that despite the generous commitments made by our leaders, that the true generosity of the global community can only be measured by the grassroots effort of the people.
We acknowledge that the solution to endemic poverty must come by respecting the power of the individual and investing in the local communities that support them.
We commit ourselves to the empowerment of the world's least fortunate and honor their fundamental right to survival. 
We pledge our support to Africa Aid and the global campaign to end endemic poverty- one community at a time. 

If you have said before that you wanna get involved... NOW is the time.  Make a pledge to yourself and to others to start today!  You can go to Africa Aid : The Pledge sign the pledge and join me in the work on helping Africa!! 

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